The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
hiked to three waterfalls
in Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park,
including Nawadaha Falls
September 6, 2015

Page 1 of 4 - This hike started with Nawadaha Falls and ended with a swim at Lake Superior. All 4 sites can be reached through the link at the bottom of this and each page.

waterfall trail map in the Porcupine Mountains

As shown in the above map, the two RV Gypsies parked in the parking lot shown on the map above, then hiked to NAWADHA FALLS (this page), Manido Falls (page 2) , and Manabezho Falls (page 3), then walked the trail along the Presque Isle River, crossed the suspension bridge, and walked the Lake Superior Trail all the way to Lake Superior, where they relaxed and cooled down in the very cold Lake Superior. (page 4).

sign: foot trail to Nawadaha Falls the river

Nawadaha Falls is a waterfall on the Presque Isle River and is located in the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park in Gogebic County, Michigan. The falls has a drop of 15 feet and a crest of 50 to150 feet. It is above both Manido Falls and Manabezho Falls. Nawadaha Falls is the most scenic of the three waterfalls. Access to this waterfall was easy; mostly on a boardwalk.

first glimpse of Nawadaha Falls Nawadaha Falls

This is a low, wide waterfall. Its width varies greatly depending on the water levels. Nawadaha Falls is similar to, but a little higher than Manido Falls.

Nawadaha Falls Nawadaha Falls

Below: To get closer to Nawadaha Falls, the two RV Gypsies had to climb down the layered ledge. It was not too difficult, but the two RV Gypsies were extra cautious as they slowly and carefully made their way down to the falls. It is always better to be safe than sorry when hiking, especially if nobody else is around.

Nawadaha Falls Lee Duquette making his way down the layered edge to the falls
Lee Duquette apporaching the side of Nawadaha Falls Nawadaha Falls

As stated above, the width of this waterfall varies. Sometimes the area where the two RV Gypsies are standing is also covered with flowing water.

Lee Duquette feeling the water at Nawadaha Falls Karen Duquette at the edge of Nawadaha Falls
Panorama of Nawadaha Falls and Karen Duquette
Karen sits with her feet overhanging Nawadaha Falls Karen Duquette feeling the water at Nawadaha Falls
Lee Duquette feeling the water at Nawadaha Falls as it flows towards the river Lee Duquette feeling the water at Nawadaha Falls
pothole at Nawadaha Falls pothole at Nawadaha Falls
look below

continue on to page 2 of 4 - Manido Falls Continue on to page 2 of 4 - Manido Falls