The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
traveled through the Yukon
to the border of Yukon Canada and Alaska
July 6, 2016

Canada map showing location of Yukontravel route

The two RV Gypsies FINALLY got their RV towed over 600 miles from Whitehorse, Yukon to Fairbanks, Alaska. Capital Towing said they would meet the two RV Gypsies to pick up their RV between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. so the two RV Gypsies were dressed and ready to go, but the tow truck did not arrive until around 8:30 a.m. The two RV Gypsies watched their RV get loaded onto the tow truck, but then the tow truck had a hydraulic problem that had to be taken care of, plus the driver said that he had to go home first to get his passport and his wife before he could hit the road. So the two RV Gypsies left in their car which gave them plenty of time to stop along the way on this very long drive and enjoy some sites.

the RV of the two RV Gypsies being towed again the RV of the two RV Gypsies being towed again
the RV of the two RV Gypsies being towed again nasty construction roads and mud

history bookHaines Junction was established in 1942 during construction of the Alaska Highway. The first buildings here were Army barracks for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Engineers were to build a new branch road connecting the Alaska Highway with the port of Haines on Lynn Canal. It was completed in 1943.

sign: Welcome to Haines Junction street corner sign

On the Alaska Highway, the two RV Gypsies stopped in Haines Junction to take a look at the Village Monument, built in 1987 and affectionately called “the Muffin.” The sculpture has a round red base (like a cupcake paper), a mound on top, and various protruding animals representing local wildlife—a bear, a moose, a Dahl sheep, a wolf, and others. The two RV Gypsies also photographed this in 2009. Photos may be a bit different and there will be a link back to here.

The Muffin Monument at Haines Junction The Muffin Monument at Haines Junction
The Muffin Monument at Haines Junction the two RV gypsies become muffins

Below: passing by Klune Lake - the largest lake in the Yukon and often considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.

NOTE: Kluane is pronounced (Kloo-WA-nee)

Kluane Lake sign about Klune Nation

Lee Duquette watched as Karen Duquette got closer to Kluane Lake to take a couple of photographs.

Lee Duquette
Kluane Lake Kluane Lake
Kluane Lake Kluane Lake

Below: Some of these photos were taken through a window of the moving RV.

Kluane Lake Kluane Lake
Kluane Lake

Below: The next picture stop for the two RV Gypsies was Burwash Landing which is known for its black spruce burl bowls. Burls start as an irritation in the spruce. The tree sends extra sap as healant, which creates a growth or burl. Burls are either "green" - harvested from live trees in the spring, or they are "dry burls" taken from dead burl trees. Burls are peeled of their bark and used in their natural form as fence posts or shaped and finished into a variety of objects such as bowls.

Karen Duquette at the Burwash Landing icon. Burwash Landing sign that needs replacing
sign - historic ile 1093 burl on porch of the museum
weird tractor dude weird tractor dude
Burwash Landing museum sign about life after death by fire

Below: Karen Duquette loves the fragrance of lilacs and photographs them whenever she can.

lilacs lilacs
Burwash Landing informational sign

Below; Leaving Burwash Landing and before reaching Pickhandle Lake and Beaver Creek, the two RV Gypsies stopped to photograph a mama bear and her two cubs that were in the woods by the side of the road. Karen Duquette did not get all three in one photo, however.

mama bear bear cub
mama bear bear cub
bear cub mama bear
look below

please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesThis travel section has been put on two pages so that photos will upload quicker, so please continue on to page two as the two RV Gypsies get closer to the Yukon/Alaska border - Pickhandle Lake, and Beaver Creek