The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Cucumber Falls in Ohiopyle State Park
in Pennsylvania
June 13, 2021

USA map showing location of PennsylvaniaPA map showing location of Ohiopyle State Park

Ohiopyle State Park is in Dunbar, Henry Clay and Steward Townships, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. The focal point of the park is more than 14 miles of the Youghiogheny River Gorge that passes through the park. The park opened to the public in 1965, but was not officially dedicated until 1971.

The two RV Gypsies went there to see Cucumber Falls which claims to be THE most photogenic waterfall in western Pennsylvania. The nearby Ohiopyle Falls is said to be one of the most visited and photographed tourist attractions in the Laurel Highland. So of course, the two RV Gypsies checked out both waterfalls and there is a link at the bottom of this page.

Ohiopyle State Park Sign Cucumber Falls sign

Below: To the left of the Cucumber Falls sign shown below, there was a hiking trail. The two RV Gypsies choose not to hike the trail at this time, so they took one quick photo of the top of the falls, then went to the left to see Cucumber Falls.

Cucumber Falls Ohiopyle State Park sign the top of Cumumber Falls

The two RV Gypsies walked down some stairs to see Cucumber Falls, a 30-foot bridal veil waterfall.

Cumumber Falls Cumumber Falls

The Two RV Gypsies had to walk through a lot of mud in this area.


The two RV Gypsies watched people climb over the big boulders to get to the bottom of Cucumber Falls. But because Karen was not quite over having bronchitis, they decided not to attempt climbing down the rocks.

the rocks at Cucumber Falls the rocks at Cucumber Falls

Below: Two people somehow managed to get behind Cucumber Falls. The girl slipped and almost fell, but the boy caught her just in time.

Cucumebr Falls

look below

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