The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
visited The Quecreek Mine Rescue Site - "9 for 9"
140 Haupt Road in Somerset, PA (Somerset County)
June 14, 2021

USA map showing location of Pennsylvania

Below quotes from

This rescue site is a dairy pasture (the 212-year-old Dormel Farms) and the home of Bill Arnold, who spent five days helping to save the lives of nine others. The site became known as "Monument For Life" a permanent monument as a tribute to the coal miners of Southwestern Pennsylvania and across the nation, and dedicated to rescue workers. The Arnold family created the Quecreek Mine Rescue Foundation with a mission to preserve the site and celebrate the inspirational story of the Quecreek Mine Rescue.

Quecreek Mine Rescue Site sign

Quecreek Mine Rescue Site sign

Below: Located at the top of the walkway down to the rescue site, the two RV Gypsies saw the 7-foot tall cast bronze statue of a coal miner.

coal miner statue

Lee Duquette at the Coal Miner statue

A paved walkway led the two RV Gypsies past the actual News Van that responded on that day. Then on to an arbor garden tribute to all 18 Quecreek miners that were in the mine that day.

the actual News Van the actual News Van
Monument for Life plaque

Below: The 9 evergreens encircle a majestic Red Oak Tree that symbolizes the faith and strength everyone showed in bringing "the nine" to safety. In addition to the trees, 9 black granite monuments encircle another side of the Red Oak to honor the first 9 miners who narrowly escaped the mine flood, and became rescuers themselves. Thus the quote 9 for 9.

overview of the Quecreek Mine Rescue site

9 evergreens encircle a majestic Red Oak Tree

9 evergreen and 9 black granite monuments black granite monuments

mine shaft

Lee Duquette checking out a mine shaft entrance replica

Eighteen miners were in danger 240 feet underground when the flooded Saxman mine was breached as the mining progressed eastward. Water broke through the face and was inundating the entry, and the 9 miners in the 1-Left panel area used the mine's phone system to notify the other group of 9 miners in the 2-Left panel to evacuate immediately. They escaped and alerted others with a 911 call.

However, the mine flooded too fast for the miners in the 1-Left panel to evacuate. Twice they tried to travel in the tunnels over 3,000 feet to a shaft that would lead them to the surface, but these were also flooded.

From July 24 to July 28, 2002, the nine miners were trapped underground for over 77 hours due to the mine being flooded. All nine miners were rescued.

Below: A second rescue shaft was made.

rescue shaft #2 The air lock fashioned to be installed on top of the rescue shaft

Below: The air lock fashioned to be installed on top of the rescue shaft was designed o equalize the pressure between the mine and the surface and prevent an influx of water created by a pressure imbalance.

rescue shaft

The round rescue shaft is now covered to prevent accidents to visitors to this site

rescue shaft rescue shaft

The white pipe was used to get air to the miners.

rescue shaft air shaft

Below: The plaque at the Rescue Capsule that the miners had to squeeze into even though they were tired, hungry, and had very little strength left. The miners were transferred by helicopter and ambulances to hospitals. They were freezing cold. All have made full recoveries.

Rescue Capsule

9 for 9 sign

Monument for Life

Monument for Life



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