The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Wintergreen Gorge
3399 Cooper Road
Harborcreek Township, PA
June 18, 2021

USA map showing location of Pennsylvania

Wintergreen Gorge Trail is a 2.3 mile trail in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania. It may be good for most skill levels. Dogs must be on a leash. There is also a Fourmile Creek Trail that is 3 miles long and therefore misnamed.

Wintergreen Gorge sign

Fourmile creek trail sign

Coopper Road Trail head sign

wintergreeen gorge - thanks for visiting sign

Below: The two RV Gypsies started off on Cooper Road Trail head, but it did not take them very long to realize that there was not any scenery of interest to them, so they turned around. They usually like hiking to waterfalls, or a gorge or something at the end of the trail. They call that their "reward". Hiking is not really their thing unless they get a reward at the end of the hike.

the trail

the creek

the creek

the creek

Lee Duquette on the trail

look below

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