flashback buttonKaren Duquette on a small tour boat ride in The Tortugero Canals time running backwards
(page 3 of 3) Limon, Costa Rica
and she saw sime wildlife, a sloth, crocodile and birds
October 28, 2009

Limon is on a flood plain created from the rivers generated by the mountains to the west. The Tortugero Canals are a series of man-made and natural waterways that extend many miles up the coast between Limon and Tortugero National Park. 

Below: Karen Duquette and other passengers had to wait to get on the tour boat. 

tour boat

Below: Approaching a small boat, a young person held up a baby crocodile for everyone to see.

boy on a small boat crocodile

Below: The boat tour guide let him bring the crocodile on board to show everyone.


Below: Passing some "house boats" anchored on cement platforms.

house boats house boats

Below: The tour boat passed a lady with a sloth hanging from her clothing.

sloth sloth
part of TheTortugero Canals part of TheTortugero Canals
part of TheTortugero Canals part of TheTortugero Canals
part of TheTortugero Canals
part of TheTortugero Canals part of TheTortugero Canals
part of TheTortugero Canals part of TheTortugero Canals
part of TheTortugero Canals part of TheTortugero Canals

Below: Monkeys in the trees

Abandoned boats

monkeys in the trees abandoned boats
greenery in the canal

Below: Houses along the waterway

Below: Passing other canal tour boats

other canal tour boat

Below: A sloth sleeping in a tree

A sloth sleeping in a tree

Below: Birds seen along the way

bird bird
bird bird
bird bird
bird bird
bird bird

The next port of call - Colon, Panama and the Panama Canal


go back to the Carnival Freedom menu to explore ports and more in the order of your choice.