The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Glencairn Gardens
725 Crest Street

Rock Hill, SC 29730
July 12, 2018

Glencairn Garden sign

Glencairn Garden sign

Below: First views of the gardens from where the two RV Gypsies parked their car.

Glencairn Garden flowers Glencairn Garden sign

Below: This was NOT a garden of flowers on this date. The beginning area was the only area that had a lot of flowers.

Glencairn Garden path and flowers flowers
flower and a bee flower and a bee
flower looking up at a tree

Below: This was a very peaceful garden with several fountains, ponds, and swinging benches.

pond Glencairn Garden sign
Lee Duquette at Glencairn Garden Karen Duquette at Glencairn Garden
waterfall and pond at Glencairn Garden waterfall and pond at Glencairn Garden
Lee Duquette at the fountain goldfish in a pond

Below: The Come-See-Me Festival Fountain

water spout in a fountain water spout

Below: A wall depicting the work of the creator of Glen the Frog, mascot of Rock Hill's Come-See-Me Festival, Vernon Grant. Unfortunately, the two RV Gypsies arrived here too late for the 2018 festival, but hope to be here for the next festival.

sign about Vernon Grant wall honoring Vernon Grant's work
wall honoring Vernon Grant's work

Below: View from each side of a small cross-over walk bridge.

bridge view of water bridge view of water
a big old tree
pond Veterans Vegetable Garden
children Sculpture plaque
children Sculpture

Below: A turtle in a pond

A turtle in a pond pond and waterfall in Glencairn Garden
pond and waterfall in Glencairn Garden pond and waterfall in Glencairn Garden

Shown Below: Views of the top of the fountain in the above photos.

fountain fountain

Below: A circular monument (the Veteran's Garden) with plaques honoring various branches of the U.S. Military. At the top of the monument, there were swinging benches where the two RV Gypsies relaxed and enjoyed the view.

Veterans Garden monument Veterans Garden monument wall
Veterans Garden monument
POW-MIA plaque Coast Guard plaque
Air Force plaque U.S. Navy plaque
Marine Corps plaque Army plaque

Below: more ponds

pond pond
pond squirell in a tree
Directory map of Glencairn Garden Directory map of Glencairn Garden
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