Lee and Karen Duquette
explored the silly signs
at Senor Frogs in the Bahamas
November 14, 2014
Senor Frog's Lee Duquette at Senor Frog's
Karen Duquette and a big fron
Karen Duquette on a tall chair

The RUDE DUDE sitting below would NOT move out of the photo and he was definitely aware that he was in the photos. So a second photo was taken at a different angle which does not show him, but also does not show the Senor Frogs sign overhead. Hope he sees this and realizes what a jerk he was.

the two RV Gypsies on a swing
the two RV Gypsies on a swing
house rules at Senor Frog's
table setting at Senor Frog's butt in a tube

The signs posted below were on the walls and ceiling at Senor Frogs in the Bahamas. They are meant to be funny and silly. Posting these signs here does NOT mean that the two RV Gypsies agree with any of them, and they hope that nobody is offended by any of these.

clothing optional sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's
sign at Senor Frog's

look below
Menu for the two RV Gypsies on a cruise
with the radio station WSRZ and 200 people.
November 8-15, 2014
You may visit these eight (8) sections in any order you choose,
but of course the end of the cruise is best viewed last.

Norwegian Getaway ship

Parties on the ship

St. Thomas

Senor Frogs - St. Thomas / signs

Nassau, Bahamas

Senor Frogs-Bahamas / signs (this page)

St. Maarten

Cruise ending - back in Miami

look below

go to the nex adventure of the two rv Gspies AFTER you have seen all of the above, continue on to the Norwegian Sky cruise ship (4 ports) and 31 Country Western Artists.