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The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Matthiessen State Park
in LaSalle County, Illinois

Below: The Lower Dells and Cascade Falls plus bridges and lots more stairs

a tired Karen Duquette at Matthiessen State Park bridges and stairs at Matthiessen State Park
the two RV Gypsies at Matthiessen State Park
trail to Cascade Falls Lee Duquette on the trail to Cascade Falls

Below: A long-distance view of Cascades Falls

Cascade Falls in Matthiessen State Park

the two RV Gypsies at Matthiessen State Park

Below: Cascade Falls

Cascade Falls in Matthiessen State Park

Below: Karen Duquette decided to take a break and just enjoy the beauty of the falls and photograph Lee Duquette as he explored the ledges and caves.

Karen Duquette at Cascade Falls Karen Duquette enjoying the view with her feet in the water

Lee Duquette investigating a cliff ledge

Cascade Falls in Matthiessen State Park

Cascade Falls in Matthiessen State Park

Below: Two layers of Cascade Falls cane be seen.

Lee Duquette at Cascade Falls in Matthiessen State Park

Lee Duquette in the water

the two RV Gypsies in the water Cascade Falls in Matthiessen State Park

Below: Ledges under the cliffs and caves

Karen Duquette under the ledge of a cliff Lee Duquette under the ledge of a cliff
caves near Cascade Falls

Lee Duquette entering a caves near Cascade Falls

Lee Duquette entering a caves near Cascade Falls

Lee Duquette entering a cave near Cascade Falls

Lee Duquette in a cave near Cascade Falls

Karen Duquette entering a cave near Cascade Falls

a hole to crawl through

Below: Another climb up some stairs and then the hike back to the parking lot.

stairs and trail

Below: According to the trail map the big rock shown below is Strawberry Rock.

Strawberry Rock

Strawberry Rock

face on a rock


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