Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in The City of Blowing Rock
(not to be confused with nearby Blowing Rock Mountain also shown on this website)
May 5, 2010

Here are some photos and facts about the City of Blowing Rock, plus some great scenery.

Blowing Rock's visitor center and a miniature carving of a covered bridge
sing for Blowing Rock's visitor center
a miniature carving of a covered bridge
flowers outside the visitor center
Below: Scenery taken while driving towards Grandfather Mountain.
Scenery taken while driving towards Grandfather Mountain
Scenery taken while driving towards Grandfather Mountain
history bookLinn Cove Viaduct is a 1243-foot concrete segmental bridge which snakes around the slopes of Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. It was completed in 1983 at a cost of $10 million and was the last section of the Blue Ridge Parkway to be finished. It is said to be the most complicated concrete bridge ever built. The viaduct was needed because of the damage that a traditional cut-and-fill road would have caused to Grandfather Mountain. It is 1,243 feet long and consists of 153 segments weighing 50 tons each. The bridge's segments were precast at an indoor facility at the south side of the parkway. After being transported to the bridge site, each section was lowered into place by a custom crane placed on either edge of the existing structure. The only work done at ground level was drilling for the seven footings which support the viaduct. In particular, there was no access road other than the Blue Ridge Parkway itself. The bridge has received eleven design awards.
Linn Cove Viaduct
Below: Yonahlossee Overlook (Milepost 303.9) on the Blue Ridge Parkway - and the two RV Gypsies' toad facing Bare Mountain Rock.
sign - Yonahlossee Overlook
The toad of the two RV Gypsies
Below: The path alongside the road which allowed the two RV Gypsies to enjoy a really nice view from this overlook and Bare Mountain Rock.
path alongside the road
scenery from the overlook
In the below photos, notice the road that the two RV Gypsies are currently as it twists and turns around the mountain side.
view from the overlook of the road ahead
view from the overlook of the road ahead
Karen Duquette at Yonahlossee Overlook
Karen Duquette at Yonahlossee Overloo
Below: The two RV Gypsies found a nice place to have a picnic lunch from the tailgate of their new toad, known as MOB "Monster Out Back" because it is a very long truck.
sign - Price Lake
Lee Duquette setting up a picnic at Price Lake
Below: Price Lake is a reservoir in Watauga County in the state of North Carolina. The altitude is 3366 feet.
Price Lake
Price Lake
Below: There is something swimming in this lake, but Karen Duquette did not have her big zoom lens with her. It appeared to be some type of animal, but not a bird or duck. Lee Duquette could actually see it, but Karen could not see it until she zoomed in on it as close as she could without have a big zoom lens on her camera. (see the photo on the right below).
something swimming in Price Lake
something swimming in Price Lake
The two RV Gypsies in North Carolina
May 4 - 6 2010 -
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Boone, North Carolina
Hawksnest Zipline
The City of Blowing Rock (this page)
Blowing Rock Mountain

Note: The two RV Gypsies were also in the City of Blowing Rock (with snow) in 2021 with family. There is a link at the bottom of that page to bring you back to 2010.

Grandfather Mountain
Linville Falls
look below
go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesAfter you have viewed all of the above sites above, please continue on for more of the two RV Gypsies' adventures in North Carolina - a Segway tour, and lots of waterfalls.


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