Page 2 of 2 - The two RV Gypsies
at Kodachrome Basin State Park in Utah

Big Stoney

Big Stoney
Lee Duquette and Big Stoney
Big Stoney

The spire shown below is called Ballerina Geyser. A classic sedimentary pipe. One theory is that it is the remains of an ancient geyser which silted up and cemented into a harder substance than the Entrada Sandstone, which later eroded away. Some remaining sandstone can be seen at lower right.

Ballerina Geyser spire
Ballerina Geyser spire
Karen Duquette and the Ballerina Geyser spire
Ballerina Geyser spire

Below: The two RV Gypsies saw some Rock Squirrels, but Karen Duquette was unable to photograph them.

Rock Squirrel label

sign about the Rock Squirrel

Rock Squirrel

Below: The slickrock shelf (Entrada Sandstone)

The slickrock shelf
The slickrock shelf
slickrock shelf
The slickrock shelf
sign about the nature trail

The Nature Trail is a 1/2 mile paved trail. Besides Juniper and Pinyon Pines, there are Sagebrush, Yucca and Prickly Pear cactus with Entrada and Henrieville Formation sandstone and Sedimentary Pipes in the background.

Below: The Cathedral at Kodachrome Basin: A view across the sandstone shelf at the end of the Nature Trail towards the Oasis Group.

the Oasis Group.
the Oasis Group.

Below: The Cathedral

the Cathedral

Below: Karen Duquette on the Slickrock Shelf with the Cathedral and the Sandstone shelf in the background.

Karen Duquette on the sandstone shelf
Karen Duquette on the sandstone shelf
Karen duquette by the Cathedral

Below: Ants on the sandstone shelf. Surprise considering this is just a big, hard rock.

an ant on the sandstone shelf
erosion on the sandstone shelf
sandstone shelf

Below: The short Nature Trail offered the two RV Gypsies a look at the native high-desert plants of Southern Utah.

berries on a tree
Kodachrome Basin State Park
amazing formations
a big rock
Lee Duquette by a big sandstone formation
Lee Duquette by a big sandstone formation
a kind of plant
path where water should be
big rocks
Lee Duquette
a big rock
quote by Henry david Thoreau
quote fro Leonardo Da Vinci
sign about erosion
sign about rain in the desert

Below: The landscape was shaped by drought and erosion.

sign about the ephedra plant
the ephedra plant
sign about the ephedra plant and tea
the ephedra plant
sign about the Utah Juniper tree
a small sagebrush tree
sign about sagebrush

Below: Lee Duquette prepared a picnic lunch.

Lee Duquette preparing a picnic lunch

Below: The view from each side of the picnic table

the truck of the two RV Gypsies
view from the lunch table
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