The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed south Florida
with family and friends
November and December 2014

The two RV Gypsies had fun with their great-grandson, Anthony Brian.
He sure took his bike riding seriously - look at the expressions on his face.

the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies on his bicycylce
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies on his bicycylce
Karen Duquette and her great-grandson
Karen Duquette and her great-grandson
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies
the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies

Below: Thanksgiving 2014 fun with some homemade snow and family

snow on Anthony's head

snow on Anthony's head

Below: John closed his eyes as snow got thrown at him.

Below: John's daughter, Shelby

John closes his eyes as snow gets thrown at him.
Anthony and a snowman

Anthony pulled the light out of the ground, so Chance helped him put the light back.laughing  clipart dude

Chance and Anthony
Chance and Anthony
Chance and Anthony
family around the buffet table

The two RV Gypsies watched a Christmas Parade and Anthony and his parents drove by in the tow truck as part of the parade. Lee Duquette handed Anthony a glowing sword.

the two RV Gypsies Granddaughter and great-grandson in the parade
Lee Duquette
Lee, Anthony and Kristen
Anthny and Kristen

Below; Christmas decorations along the parade route.

Santa's house

Below: A very large Christmas tree and a Manger scene

A very large Christmas tree
manger scene

Below: A few of the decorations INSIDE the large Christmas Tree

INSIDE the large Christmas Tree
INSIDE the large Christmas Tree

Below: Standing inside the large Christmas tree, Karen Duquette aimed the camera up toward the top of the tree.

inside the Christmas tree Christmas

Please continue on for more photos in Florida
- December 2014


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