The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Snoqualmie Falls Park
Ilse and Karen got down into the river.
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Note: Some photos of signs in the park are a bit big and may take a moment to upload on your monitor, but Karen Duquette wanted those photos big enough that they could be read because signs provide important information about the area and the falls.

moon the transformer sign

Below: Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk.

Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk
Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk
River Danger sign
Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk
Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk
Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk
Snoqualmie Falls as seen from the lower level boardwalk
Snoqualmie Falls
Snoqualmie Falls

Below: The narrow, raging river and a tree branch stuck on a rock from earlier when the river ran higher.

a tree branch stuck on a rock from when the river ran higher.
a tree branch stuck on a rock from when the river ran higher.
The narrow, but raging river
The narrow, but raging river
The narrow, but raging river
The narrow, but raging river

Below: Kayakers trying to get upstream towards the fall, but did not succeed to get past some of the rocks.

the river at Snowualmie Falls

Below: This is a view from the boardwalk, and it is also the area where Karen Duquette and her sister Ilse Blahak walked over the rocks and into the water, as shown further below on this page.

kayakers and people on the rocks
view from boardwalk
view from boardwalk

Below: In both of the photos shown below that were taken from the boardwalk, there is a measuring stick to measure the height of the river. In the smaller picture, Lee Duquette is on the boardwalk viewing platform.

river height measuring stick
Lee is on the boardwalk viewing platform.

Below: Karen Duquette and her sister Ilse Blahak decided to walk on the rocks and into the river.

Karen and Ilse on the rocks
Karen and Ilse on the rocks

Below: Ilse and Lee took a picture of each other at the same time. The walk to the river involved a short steep trail, then walking over lots of big rocks, as seen where Lee is sitting.

Ilse taking a picture of Lee Duquette
Lee taking a picture of Ilse

Below: Karen Duquette and her sister carefully maneuvered over the rocks.

Karen and her sister carefully maneuvering over the rocks.
Karen and her sister carefully maneuvering over the rocks.

Below: Karen Duquette and her sister with their feet in the water. Ilse was barefoot but Karen kept her hiking sneakers on.

Karen and her sister carefully maneuvering over the rocks.
Karen and her sister relaxing on the rocks with their feet in the water

Below: Karen Duquette decided to wade a bit in the river. Ilse only got her feet wet.

Karen decides to walk a bit in the river.
Karen decides to walk a bit in the river.
Karen decides to walk a bit in the river.
Karen relaxing with her feet in the water

Below: From her vantage point on the rocks, Ilse Blahak took a few photos of the river as it flowed downstream.

the river at Snoqualmie Falls
the river at Snoqualmie Falls
the river at Snoqualmie Falls
the river at Snoqualmie Falls
the river at Snoqualmie Falls
the river at Snoqualmie Falls

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