The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
and their friends, The Dickersons,
kayaked in downtown Indianapolis
September 23, 2015

Wheel Fun Rentals located on the Canal Walk between 11th St. and White River State Park offered the ultimate experience to enjoy the canal day or night. The two RV Gypsies and their friends explored the canal in kayaks and let their eyes wander to the attractions and landmarks that lined the canal.

the Canal in downtown Indianapolis Canal District Map

Below: Kruse Family Stardust Terrace and the restaurant's patio.

Kruse Family Stardust Terrace Kruse Family Stardust Terrace and the restaurant's patio.

Below: The two RV Gypsies and their friends enjoyed lunch at the Stardust Terrace, which also provided them with free parking. The sandwiches were gigantic and very good. Photos taken inside the restaurant are shown here.

Hoagy Carmichael poster inside the restaurant
inside the restaurant inside the restaurant

Below: Inside seating

Below: Outside seating by the canal
on which they will soon kayak.

inside the restaurant eating on the patio

Below: The clocks along the canal had both hands moving constantly - BACKWARDS! How Unique!!!

backwards moving clock

Below: Each side of the underside of the bridges were painted with different themes.

mural on the bridge mural on the bridge

Below: Karen Duquette in her kayak, ready to go!

Karen Duquette  is ready to kayak. Karen Duquette  is ready to kayak.

Below: Karen Duquette and her long-time friend Sharon Melander Dickerson. Note: Sharon was the maid-of-honor when Karen and Lee got married in Hawaii (50-3/4 years ago - as of this date).

Karen Duquette and Sharon dickerson in their kayak Karen Duquette and Sharon dickerson in their kayak

Below: The water was tinted blue.

The water was tinted blue. The water was tinted blue.The water was tinted blue.

Below: Sharon Dickerson and Karen Duquette

Below: Terry Dickerson

Sharon Dickerson and Karen Duquette inkayaks Terry Dickerson in his kayak
Terry Dickerson mural under the bridge
Karen and Sharon in their kayak Karen and Sharon and Terry in their kayak
flags the canal
Indiana State Museum Indiana State Museum
Indianapolis canal art
ducks in the canal art
canal 3d building
the two RV Gypsies in their kayak Karen and Sharon

Below: A small boat as a decoration hanging from the underside of a bridge

A small boat hanging from the underside of a bridge A small boat hanging from the underside of a bridge
elephant statues memorial
kayaking under the bridge Terry gets up close to the fountain
Karen and Terry gets up close to the fountain Karen gets up close to the fountain
kayaking under the bridge kayaking under the bridge
murals on the bridge the clock running backwards
running water on apartment stairs running water on apartment stairs

Below: Getting out of the canal meant everyone had to their butt up onto the pavement while the workers provided a helping hand. This was the hardest part of the entire experience.

sign: site of the Central Canal Lee Duquette exiting the kayak
look below

please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesThe two RV Gypsies in Kentucky: a Segway tour of Louisville, Abraham Lincoln's birthplace, and Hardin County Veterans Tribute - then on to Tennessee and Georgia.


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