The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
relaxed at Liard River Hot Springs
Mile 497 alaska Highway
Muncho Lake BC
in British Columbia, Canada
June 15 - 16, 2016

map of BC with location of Liard Hot Springs

Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park is a provincial park in British Columbia, Canada. It is home to the second largest hot spring in Canada. The park is part of the larger Muskwa-Kechika Management Area. The community of Liard River, British Columbia is located nearby. The Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park was created in April 1957. The first boardwalk and pool facilities were built by the United States Army in 1942. The Liard River Hot Springs were originally named the Theresa Hot Springs

the line-up of RVs to get into Liard River Hot Springs sign: Liard River Hot Springs

A lodge with restaurant was located across the highway, the Liard Hot Springs Lodge, but the two RV Gypsies have not stopped there during any of their multiple visits to Liard Hot Springs.

sign: Liard Hotsprings Lodge rules sign

Below: Upon arrival at Liard River Hot Springs, the back-up camera was so dirty that it no longer projected an image.

dirty back-up camera RV entry steps

Below: The two RV Gypsies' toad and RV were not very clean either.

a very dirty toad the toad and RV of the two RV gypsies' need a bath

Below: Look at the dirt that collected between the windshield and the wipers of the toad.

dirt on the windshield

Below: The campground and hot springs are open year-round. Sites are NOT assigned and it is first come, first served. Most sites appeared to be about the same size. Even tents got big sites. All sites were dry camping, no amenities. There are only 50 sites and the two RV Gypsies got site #50 this time. Generators could only be used at certain designated times. The roads and sites were gravel. No TV, no Wi-Fi. But the purpose of this campground is to visit the hot springs and relax.

the new yard of the two RV Gypsies the RV of the two RV Gypsies

The RV shown below served as a Visitor Center at Liard Hot Springs.

Visitor Center at Liard Hot Springs inside the Visitor Center at Liard Hot Springs
Liard sign Liard River Hotsprings map
sign: do not feed a bear boardwalk rules

There are raised walkways from the parking area to the springs so that the delicate muskeg that forms the swamp is not disturbed. The walkway was the scene of a much-publicized black bear attack that killed two tourists on August 14, 1997. However, at least 50 bears were killed around the springs in 1998 to ease the public's concern.

Below: The two RV Gypsies on the 980-foot long boardwalk during a light rain storm.

Lee Duquette on the baordwalk Karen Duquette on the baordwalk

Below: The park contains a warm water swamp and boreal forest which supports rich and diverse plant communities as well as mammal and bird species. Watch for moose feeding in the warm water swamps. Bears, as well, are a common hazard in summer months, and may be feeding only 10 feet away from bathers. Due to the lush plant life (including 14 species of orchids) influenced by the warmth of the springs, the area was originally known as the "Tropical Valley".

warm water swamp moose sign
Liard River hotsprings warning sign ecosystem sign

There are two hot springs with water temperatures ranging from 108 °F to 126 °F. The nearest is the Alpha pool which has a rocky bottom. Beta pool is beyond Alpha and is larger, cooler and deeper with a muddy bottom.

However, as of 2013, Beta pool has been permanently closed due to bear traffic, and the boardwalk leading to it has been removed. (The two RV Gypsies were also here in 2009 when the Beta Pool was still open. Those photos can be seen by using the TOC button on almost any page and choosing H for Hot Springs.)

Below: Karen Duquette enjoying the Alpha pool.

Karen Duquette in Liard River Hot Springs Karen Duquette in Liard River Hot Springs
Karen Duquette in Liard River Hot Springs Karen Duquette in Liard River Hot Springs

Below: There were a few benches in the middle of the hot springs, so everyone must be careful not to trip over them. But they were slimy to sit on. There were also some places to sit along the side walls. Notice the small brown spot in the grass in the photo below. That is a marmot feeding. See the other photos of the marmot below.

Liard River Hot Springs
marmot marmot

Below: Scenery while walking back to the RV around 11 p.m. Yes, it was still very light outside and the two RV Gypsies spotted a moose in the distance.

boardwalk view from the baordwalk
swamp swamp
grassy swamp moose in the distance

Karen Duquette spent 99% of her time in the hot area. But on day two, she decided to check out the waterfall in the cooler area for a brief period of time. Lee Duquette liked the cooler area better, as did most people. That is fine, as it gives Karen more space to relax in.

waterfall Karen Duquette under the waterfall

Below: The cooler hot spring had a river that was blocked off by logs at one end.

river blockage river blockage

The narrow spot shown below actually leads to a part of the river where bathers can stroll for a bit, but neither of the two RV Gypsies chose to do so.

leading to the river

Below: Walking back to the RV around midnight, Karen Duquette saw a little squirrel scampering on the boardwalk. Yes, it was still light outside.

Liard River boardwalk squirrel

Below: Karen Duquette took a couple of selfies but they did not turn out that well. Lee Duquette was back at the RV.

Karen Duquette at Liard River Hot Springs Karen Duquette at Liard River Hot Springs
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