The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at The Alaska Pipeline
July 6, 2016 (smaller photos)
and July 10, 2016 (bigger photos)
and some from 2009

The Tanana River
The Tanana River
The Tanana River
The Tanana River
The Tanana River and bridge
Delta Junction offers the first view of the Trans-Alaska pipeline for visitors coming up the Alaska Highway from Canada. About 9 miles north of town, the pipeline crosses the Tanana River. Pump Station No. 9 is located about 8 miles south of town on the Richardson Highway. Tours are no longer offered since the 9/11 attack on the U.S.
Pipleine and signs
Pipleine and signs
Alaska pipeline
Alaska pipeline
sign about the pipeline history
sign about the pipeline facts
Karen Duquette stood under the Alaska Pipeline - June 20, 2009 & July 6, 2016
Karen Duquette standing under the Alaska Pipeline 2009
Karen Duquette at the Alaska pipeline in 2016
Alaska pipeline
Alaska pipeline
sign about plate girder bridges
Below: Part of the Trans Alaska Pipeline "Pig" displayed at the Visitor Center
part of the Trans Alaska Pipeline  pig
sign about the Trans Alaska Pipeline "Pig"
pipeline passagway display

Several days later on July 10, 2016, the two RV Gypsies took some of their family members to see the the Alaska pipeline at a different area near Fairbanks.

big sign about pipeline facts and design

Alaska state map showing route of the Alaska Pipeline

Alaska map showing route of the pipeline

Alaska Pipeline

Alaska Pipeline

retired pig

retired pig sign

sign: pipgs in the pipeline

pigs in the pipeline

laughing clipart dudeIt took two men and four hands to support the Pipeline, but only one woman and one hand. Way to go, Karen.

Lee Duquette and JOhn Smythers

superwoman - Karen Duquette

grass under the pipeline

the two RV Gypsies at the pipeline

Lee Duquette and john at the pipeline

Alaska pipeline

Karen's sister Ilse on the hill above the pipeline - and a view of the pipeline from the hill

Karen's sister Ilse

view of the pipeline from the hill

View from the short bridge by the parking lot.

view from the bridge

view from the bridge

sign about wildlife

look below

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