Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
paid their respects at "The Wall That Heals"
- A Vietnam Memorial Wall -
during its brief stay in Rock Hill, SC
October 24, 2019

History bookOn Veterans Day 1996, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) unveiled a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., designed to travel to communities throughout the United States. Since its dedication, The Wall That Heals has been displayed at nearly 700 communities throughout the nation, spreading the Memorial’s healing legacy to millions.

Bringing The Wall home to communities throughout our country allows the souls enshrined on the Memorial to exist once more among family and friends in the peace and comfort of familiar surroundings. The traveling exhibit provides thousands of veterans who have been unable to cope with the prospect of facing The Wall to find the strength and courage to do so within their own communities, thus allowing the healing process to begin.

The main components of The Wall That Heals are The Wall replica and the mobile Education Center.

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Below: USA Flags of various sizes leading the way
to The Wall That Heals on this date in 2019

Below: The Two RV Gypsies got
their first view of The Wall That Heals

USA Flags along the road leading to The Wall That Heals The Wall That Heals
sign in memory of Vietnam Veterans
Welcome to The Wall That Heals sign The Wall That Heals
The Wall That Heals The Wall That Heals
sign about the names on The Wall That Heals
sign about The Vietnam Veterans Memorial
sign about The Gold Star Bike The Gold Star Bike
Memory plaque

Below: The truck that pulls the 5th wheel full of information about "The Wall That Heals"

The Wall That Heals truck The Wall That Heals truck

Below: Lee Duquette studied various information on the sides of the 5th wheel that is towed by the truck shown above.

The Wall That Heals 5th wheel sign- Wall by the numbers
information on the side of The Wall That Heals 5th wheel information on the side of The Wall That Heals 5th wheel
information on the side of The Wall That Heals 5th wheel information on the side of The Wall That Heals 5th wheel
information on the side of The Wall That Heals 5th wheel


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