The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
In Westminster, SC
March 3, 2021

USA map showing location of SCHello MarchSC map showing Oconee County and Westminster

Westminster is a city in Oconee County South Carolina, along the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It has a total area of 3.4 square miles, all land and is quite mountainous. Westminster is surrounded by several rivers, 150 waterfalls, and two major lakes.

Westminster water tower

Below: Sheep grazing

Sheep grazing Sheep grazing
Sheep grazing Sheep grazing
Sheep grazing Sheep grazing

Below: An old Grist Mill and water wheel

An old Grist Mill and water wheel An old Grist Mill and water wheel

Below: A combination flag with the
State of Georgia 1776 symbol and a
confederate flag - flying in someone's yard

Don't Worry, Be Happy

A combination flag Don't worry Be Happy

Sumter National Forest is one of two forests in SC that are managed together by the U.S. Forest Service, the other being the Francis Marion National Forest. The Sumter National Forest consists of of 370,442 acres in parts of several counties.

Sumter National Forest sign snake road
end State Maintenance sign One land bridge sign

Below: Then the two RV Gypsies found themselves on a dirt road.

narrow dirt road

When the two RV Gypsies saw the sign shown below, they turned onto a dirt/gravel road that was too narrow for an oncoming car to pass. Fortunately, they only met one other car, and it was on a corner that had a pull-over spot and the other car quickly pulled into and stopped. The driver apparently knew the road and was ready to pull over if need be. This was a long road, and not fun to drive on.

Riley Moore Falls sign dirt/gravel road

Below; The road just kept getting worse and worse. There were no other signs anyplace, and after awhile, the two RV Gypsies found themselves back on the main road and never saw the waterfall. Karen Duquette deliberately looked down every driveway to be sure they were not missing a turn. Lee Duquette then circled back and checked once again. No luck.

downhill dirt road

Below: Even though The Two RV Gypsies turned where they saw the sign shown below, they eventually figured out that they did not get to the correct area. Even after taking the awful hike shown below, they drove around again looking for other signs and ended back at the same place. They were looking for what is said to be a 45 minute, moderate 1-mile hike to Riley Moore Falls which is a short cascade of about 12 feet tall and 100 feet wide. That is NOT what they found, as shown below.

Lee Duquette in the parking lot no camping sign
water rope hanging over the water
Lee Duquette on the trail

Below: The two RV Gypsies had to keep careful watch for bad stuff sticking up on the trail. There were several spots where thing could have made them trip if they did not pay attention to the condition of the trail.

bad stuff on the trail big stump in the middle of the trail

Below: A Pink rope at the trailhead.

Pink rope at trailhead the trail
the trail Lee Duquette
Lee Duquette
Lee Duquette near the cliff Lee Duquette near the cliff

Below: Look what was right above Lee Duquette's head on the trail. And further on, these sharp branches hung even closer to his head. And as shown further below, some fat branches stuck out from the side of the cliff, and were over part of the trail.

Look what was right above Lee's head
all wet mud and water, and a cliff more stuff sticking out of the cliff

Below: At times, The Two RV Gypsies got glimpses of part of the waterfall, although it was not the main part, and they had to peek over the cliff and through the trees.

part of the waterfall part of the waterfall
part of the waterfall part of the waterfall
part of the waterfall part of the waterfall
part of the waterfall
the trail, waterfall, and Karen Duquete
part of the waterfall part of the waterfall
the trail, waterfall, and Karen Duquette the trail, waterfall, and Karen Duquette

Below: Just as The Two RV Gypsies thought the trail was bad enough, it got worse.

mud trail mud trail
dirt trail dirt trail

dirt trail

dirt trail

Then The two RV Gypsies spotted the machinery that was making the trail. And when Karen Duquette saw two men working to make the path go further, she yelled out to them to ask if it was the end of the trail, and they said "Yes, for now". So although they had seen glimpses of the waterfall along the way, they never got to it. There must be another trail somewhere else.

truck making the trail Karen Duquette

So the Two RV Gypsies left feeling very disappointed after a long drive here.

rocky divider bar

First they stopped at Beef Rib, but did not like the menu. They had to stand at a counter to read the menu, and the server stared at them. So they left.

Beef and Rib

Below; Not far away, they stopped at the Lucky Strike Restaurant. It was OK, but not great.

Lucky Strike Restaurant.
Lucky Strike Restaurant.
Lucky Strike Restaurant.

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Lighthouses the two RV Gypsies visited
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National Parks the two RV Gypsies visited
Oddities seen by the two RV gypsies
Restaurants the two RV Gypsies have visited
State Parks the two RV gypsies visited
Videos taken by the two RV Gypsies
Waterfalls the two RV gypsies have visited
Wildlifethe two RV gysies have seen