The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
rode the Duquesne Incline up Mount Washington
to see The Point of View Monument
1220 Grandview Avenue
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
June 12, 2021

USA map showing location of Pennsylvania

The Duquesne ( pronounced like du: kein) Incline is located near Pittsburgh's South Side neighborhood. It scales Mt. Washington In Pennsylvania. Designed by Samuel Diescher, the incline was completed in 1877 and is 800-feet long and 400-feet in height. It is inclined at a 30-degree angle. It has a track gauge of 5-feet. In the opinion of the two RV Gypsies, it was nowhere near as exciting as the Chattanooga Incline in Tennessee or the one at the Royal Gorge Park in Canon, Colorado. If you click on either of those links, be sure to return here to see the rest of this page and other pages in 2012.

Duquesne Incline Duquesne Incline

The Duquesne Incline is featured in The Next Three Days movie trailer and again about halfway through the actual movie. It was also featured in the 1983 film Flashdance. In the 1987 movie Lady Beware, two characters rode the Duquesne Incline.

staircase to Duquesne Incline Duquesne Incline building

It cost the two RV Gypsies $5.00 each to ride the Incline. (Pennsylvania Senior Citizens with a special ID can ride for free). (prices mentioned here are always subject to change as time passes)

inside The Duquesne Incline car inside The Duquesne Incline car

Below: Car going down as the two RV Gypsies were going up

Car going down as the two RV Gypsies were going up

Below; Exiting the Incline Railway and the gift shop, the two RV Gypsies continued on to the Observation Deck.

the gift shop and hallway the Observation Deck entrance

Below: The two RV Gypsies took a few photos from the Duquesne Incline outdoor observation deck.

view from the outdoor observation deck
view from the outdoor observation deck view from the outdoor observation deck
view from the outdoor observation deck view from the outdoor observation deck
view from the outdoor observation deck
view from the outdoor observation deck
view from the outdoor observation deck view from the outdoor observation deck
fountain at the square view from the outdoor observation deck
sign about the gears

Below: After leaving the observation deck, the two RV Gypsies went outside and took a picture of the building and the historic landmark sign

Duquesne Incline building historic landmark sign
monument National Register of Histoic Places sign

Below: Then the two RV Gypsies walked up a big hill to see The Points of View Monument across from the Grandview Point apartments

view from from the Grandview Point apartments Points of View sign

Point of View Monument, signs and scenery

Point of View Monument plaque
Point of View Monument Lee Duquette at the Point of View Monument
Mount Washington sign view
a golden shine on the building a golden shine on the building
parorama view

Below: Time for the two RV Gypsies to take the ride back down

Time to go back down Time to go back down

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