The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
on their 9th zipline adventure
this time at ZipQuest
Fayetteville, NC
May 3, 2022
phone '910.488.8787 for reservations

ZipQuest Waterfall and Treetop Adventure Park is a zipline adventure in the Sandhills of North Carolina near Fayetteville. It is open year round. There is a waterfall that allows views from the zip-line. Two different zipline adventures are offered, plus a night time one. The two RV Gypsies chose the 2-1/2 hour long Waterfall Expedition at a fee of $85 each on this date. It included 8 tree-to-tree ziplines, 3 suspension bridges, 3 spiral staircases and a view of Carver's Falls. The adventure was wonderful, and the guides were good at their jobs keeping everyone safe.

dollar signThe guides took photos at an additional charge of $7 per person, that meant the two RV Gypsies paid $14 for the photos. The same pictures are given to everyone in the group who paid the fee. So if everyone paid, that would be $42 for a total of 71 photos they took. (Some were duplicates.) Only 21 photos were of the two RV Gypsies (and that includes the group photos), so that means the two RV Gypsies paid $1.50 a photo. Photos were emailed to the two RV Gypsies and any others who paid the fee.

(The first 7 photos below, the two RV Gypsies took themselves before the tour began.

Zipquest directional sign ZipQuest adventure sign

parking sign and Mr.Frog

Below: Karen Duquette kissed lips - kissthe ZipQuest Frog for good luck, then gave him a high-five.

Karen Duquette kissed the ZipQuest Frog for good luck Karen Duquette gave the frog a high-five
ZipQuest Adventure office ZipQuest  course map

Below: After getting fitted with their harness and helmets, the guide took pictures of each of the three couples on the tour, plus one group photo. The guide asked each person to write a name (not their real name) on the helmet of their partner. Karen Duquette wrote "zipper" on Lee Duquette's helmet because he likes zip lines. Lee wrote "Red" on Karen's helmet because she is a natural-born redhead.

The two RV Gypsies at ZipQuest The ziplineers group photo

Below: Everyone had to do a practice zip line that was low to the ground and demonstrate braking and what to do if they stop too short of the platform.

Karen Duquette on the practice zipline Lee Duquette on the practice zipline

Below: The gang on one of the platforms.

Below: The two RV Gypsies on another platform.

The group on one of the platforms The two RV Gypsies on a platform
Lee Duquette on a zipline Lee Duquette on a zipline
Lee Duquette on a zipline
Karen Duquette on a zipline Karen Duquette on a zipline
the gang down below a sprial staircase The gang beside the spiral staircase

Below: A view of the 20-foot tall Carver's Falls that stretches 150 feet wide and is the largest waterfall in the central and eastern regions of the Carolinas. One of the swinging bridges can be seen in the background. The guide took one photo, and Lee Duquette also took one photo.

Carver's Falls and a swinging bridge Carver's Falls and a swinging bridge
The two RV Gypsies on the swinging bridge
he two RV Gypsies enjoying the view of the waterfall The two RV Gypsies and the waterfall
Lee Duquette on the zipline Karen Duquette on the zipline
The group on one of the platforms The group at the end of their  adventure

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