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Edisto Memorial Gardens

Just before the two RV Gypsies walked a portion of the River Dike Trail at Edisto Memorial Gardens, they took a few photos along the way.

ducks water fountain in the pond
tree, cypress kness bridge to the sculptures
sculpture plaque Making Memories sculpture plaque
Statues of 3 children playing by the pond a boy ready to throw a rock into the pond

Below: Cypress Knees

Cypress Knees Cypress Knees

Below: Cypress Knees

scenery ducks in the pond

Below: The Horne Wetlands Park is a 2,700-foot boardwalk that allows visitors to get a close up look at the plants and wildlife found in the wetlands of this area.

Horne Wetlands Park sign

Below: A Water Wheel

A Water Wheel A Water Wheel

Below: Scenery in Horne Wetlands Park taken from the boardwalk

Scenery in Horne Wetlands Park Scenery in Horne Wetlands Park

Below: Karen Duquette enjoyed the colors and texture in a tree trunk so she took a close-up photo.

colors and texure in a tree trunk

Below: There were several informative signs, but most of them were in need of some loving care, and they were hard to read, so Karen Duquette only photographed two of them. She tries to post some history of the areas that she visits.

sign about the Edisto River Indians
welcome to Horne Wetland Park Sign

Below: After the two RV Gypsies left Horne Wetland Park and walked a bit further, they came to a very small waterfall within Edisto Memorial Gardens.

waterfall waterfall and flower
waterfall and flowers waterfall

Below: One yellow flower among the purple flowers

One yellow flower among the purple flowers

Below: One yellow flower among the purple flowers

Below: View of the waterfall
from the parking lot above it

One yellow flower among the purple flowers View of the waterfall from above

Below: View of the waterfall taken from a small platform in the parking lot above it. It was impossible to get a photo from top to bottom. The water at this point was flowing from under the parking lot, so the two RV Gypsies do not know where the source of the waterfall begins.

View of the waterfall from above View of the waterfall from above

Below: From the parking lot above the waterfall, the two RV Gypsies came upon Memory Garden.

Memory Garden mosiac

Below: A short, four-sided monument with no inscription, just a simple image on each side. The images speak for themselves.

Bible and angel praying hands and a dove
Wild Sunflower
Wild Sunflower sign
small pond and walkway
Serenity Garden rock Remember our Children Angel of Hope sign

Below: The Angel of Hope Project is another unique feature of the Edisto Memorial Gardens. There are over 90 Angel sculptures around the U.S., but this is the only one in South Carolina. The Angel of Hope is dedicated to the children that have lost their lives through natural causes or accidents. This monument and garden is a place for healing and meditation for the parents, other family members, and friends of these children. The Project is a joint effort of the City of Orangeburg Parks and Recreation Dept. and the Angel of Hope Committee, raised funds for the Project. In addition, to the Angel of Hope sculpture, the area features beautiful landscaping, brick pavers, and dedicatory wall and an area for recognition bricks.

Angel of Hope monument Angel of Hope monument
Angel of Hope sign
Angel of Hope
Edisto Memorial Gardens banner

Below: DPU Centennial Park

DPU Centennial Park sign DPU Centennial Park fountain
DPU Centennial Park fountain DPU Centennial Park fountain
Karen Duquette DPU Centennial Park fountain

Below: Karen Duquette likes to take close up photographs of interesting water fountains.

DPU Centennial Park fountain DPU Centennial Park fountain
DPU Centennial Park fountain

Below: The moss covered trees make interesting patterns.

moss covered tree moss covered tree
moss covered tree

Below: Lee Duquette covered in moss

Below: Rose Garden Water Tower

Lee Duquette covered in moss Rose Garden Water Tower

Below: While driving on the highway leaving Orangeburg, South Carolina, Karen Duquette noticed a big semi and snapped a photo of Shrek and th donkey that was painted on the side of the engine.


look below

go to the next adventure In 2022, the two RV Gypsies took their 30th Segway tour, this time in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Plus they returned to Winston-Salem in 2023 for another Segway tour (actually #35) with the same Segway company, but the tour was with a different guide in mostly in a different area, and no narration as the two RV Gypsies requested, since they were the only people on the tour. Both tours are combined for the purpose of this website.


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