The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
and Karen's sister Ilse Blahak
at "Lavender Nights at 123 Farm"
10600 Highland Springs Avenue
Cherry Valley, CA 92223
September 25, 2022

phone: '951.845.1151 for other festival information

After going to Mount Baldy during the day with several family members, Karen, Lee and Ilse went to the annual Lavender Nights Festival in Cherry Valley, California. There were food booths and a lavender drink booth, but the lines were so long, that they did not want to stand in line. On this date, the festival was open Thursdays - Sundays 5 -10 p.m. September 1 to October 23, 2022. The two RV Gypsies arrived early so parking was not a problem, but around 8 p.m. there was a long line of cars trying to get in. There is free admission IF you pay the $10 parking fee. If parking off site, there is a $5 admission fee. No pets allowed. The 2023 dates may be a lot earlier than this year's dates. There is also an annual Christmas Nights and other types of festivals at this location, but the two RV Gypsies will not be in California for future events. (all dates, times, costs on this website are always subject to change)

Lavender Nights sign

Lavender Nights parking map
no pets allowed sign Karen and Ilse by a lit tree
tree with white lights tree with white light
White lights on a bicycle White lights in a tree

Below: Karen Duquette and her sister, Ilse Blahak in The Lavender Fields - There was not much lavender still in bloom on this date, as it was near the end date of the festival, so it was very disappointing. But yet, a good time was had by Karen, Lee and Ilse.

Lavender Fields storage shed
Karen Duquette and her sister in The Lavender Fields
Karen Duquette and her sister in The Lavender Fields Yellow Lavender
Lavender field Lavender field

There were not very many signs around, but Karen Duquette photographed the ones she saw.

Spanish Lavender sign
Spanish Lavender
pea pods pea pods
lavender flower tiny yellow rose
pink flowers
peppermint sign
Vineyard planting map

Lee Duquette bought a Lavender funnel cake, and although it was good, it did not seem any different to him than any funnel cake he has ever had in the past. Of course, he shared it with Karen and Ilse and they agreed that it was good, but not special.

Lavender dessert menu
Lavender funnel cake

Below: There were Lavender Fact signs scattered around the area, but Karen Duquette only found 4. It was a big area to search.

Lavender fact 1I Lavender fact 4
Lavender fact 5 Lavender fact 10

Below: A big field area with one big tree full of lights.

one big tree full of lights one big tree full of lights
one big tree full of lights one big tree full of lights

Below: A small pond surrounded by lights that reflected in the water. Karen Duquette and her sister took several photos from different angles.

lights reflecting in a pond lights reflecting in a pond
lights reflecting in a pond lights reflecting in a pond

Below: Then Lee Duquette took a couple of photos of Ilse and Karen

Ilse Blahak and Karen Duquette llse Blahak and Karen Duquette
llse Blahak and Karen Duquette at the pond
lights on a tall tree

Below: Time for a stroll down the path with lit trees on each side.

path with lit trees on each side Karen Duquette and Ilse Blahak
Karen Duquette and her sister
lit trees lit trees

Below: Looking out towards the Olive Grove and the sunset over the mountains.

Olive Grove sign Olive Grove and the sunset over the mountains.
Olive Grove and the sunset over the mountains. Olive Grove and the sunset over the mountains.
Karen Duquette and her younger sister The two RV Gypsies
Karen Duquette and her sister

Below: These pictures did not come out very well, and other people were waiting to sit in the chair, so Karen Duquette decided to settle for these poor quality photos.

Ilse and Karen at the Lavender Nights sign The two rV Gypsies at the Lavender Nights sign

Below: All throughout the evening, Ilse kept looking for Scavenger Hunt Clues. She only found 4 of them, but guess what - she is a brilliant school teacher, so she was able to fill the letters in on the scavenger hunt card. Then she brought the card into the gift shop for her prize and the lady held out a bucket of LOLLIPOPS and told Ilse to pick one. Ilse was stunned because she was not expecting the prize to be a small, cheap Lollipop so she just stared into the bucket. The lady said, "Do you need help picking a color?" (try not to laugh) It was so unbelievable that Karen laughed her head off right there in front of the lady, and laughed even more when Ilse showed Lee her prize.

Scavenger Hunt ticket Ilse Blahak and her Lollipop prizw
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