The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
took a short hike
and posed by some bergy bits
June 28, 2009

Before going on the short one-hour Portage Glacier cruise, the two RV Gypsies took a short hike in Chugach National Forest.

Chugach National Forest sign
a small stream
a small stream
Below: Lee  Duquette was dwarfed by the mountains and trees
Lee is dwarfed by the mountains and trees
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
Below: The two RV Gypsies wandered off the original path and onto a smaller path, which turned out not to be a hiking path, but an area where wildlife (probably moose) often walk, trampling down the greenery and making it look like it was a path. Once again, there was lots of wildlife poop, but the two RV Gypsies did not see wildlife, which is a good thing while hiking.
Lee Duquette trying to get through the trail
Lee Duquette trying to get through the trail
Lee Duquette trying to get through the trail
clipart laughing dudeSmokey the Bear warned the two RV Gypsies to be careful in the woods. Karen Duquette gave Smokey a big hug and thanked him for the reminder. So, maybe the above hike was NOT a good place for them to have gone.
Karen Duquette and Smokie the Bear
Karen Duquette and Smokie the Bear
Below: Just a few photos from another short hike across from Portage Valley RV Park
beautiful scenery
beautiful scenery
beautiful scenery
Below: Leaving Portage Valley RV Park, the two RV Gypsies had to drive through a short tunnel. As they looked off to the side of the road, they saw some bergy bits; ice chunks that came off of an iceberg. The two RV Gypsies decided to get a closer look at them.

FYI: There are smaller pieces of ice known as “bergy bits” and “growlers.” Bergy bits and growlers can originate from glaciers or shelf ice, and may also be the result of a large iceberg that has broken up. A bergy bit is a medium to large fragment of ice. Its height is generally greater than 3 feet but less than 16 feet above sea level and its area is normally about 1,076-3,229 square feet. Growlers are smaller fragments of ice and are roughly the size of a truck or grand piano. They extend LESS than 3 feet above the sea surface and occupy an area of about 215 square feet.

a short tunnel
Karen Duquette and icebergs
Karen Duquette and an iceberg
Karen Duquette and an iceberg
Lee and Karen Duquette
Lee & Karen Duquette and an iceberg
Lee and Karen Duquette and an iceberg
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