The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Wolf Country, USA
along the Glenn Highway in Alaska
Wolves - some of them were said to be in the movie with Sean Penn
sign - Wolf Country USA
the gift shop
a wolf mural
a house
sign on door
toilet bench

Below: A wolf begged Lee Duquette for a tummy / back massage

Lee massages a wolf
Lee massages a wolf
Love it
Below: Did you ever see such a contented face?
a contented face
a contented face
Lee massages a wolf
Below: Another wolf took a liking to Lee. Duquette,
one of the wolves takes a liking to Lee
one of the wolves takes a liking to Lee
Below: Have YOU ever been kissed by a wolf? Lee Duquette has.xoxo
Lee gets a kiss from a wolf
Lee gets a kiss from a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a black wolf
a wolf
Below: Somebody needs a good Licking!
Below: Peek-A-Boo - I see you!
a wolf's tongue
a wolf stands high
a wolf
a black wolf
a  black wolf
a  black wolf
a wolf
a wolf on its wolf-house
teeth of a wolf
Below: Wolf Puppies
puppy 1
puppy 2
Below: The puppies wanted to play with Karen Duquette.
Karen Duquette plays with the wolf puppy
Karen Duquette plays with the wolf puppy
Below: Karen Duquette stopped playing and the puppy went wild - so Karen told Lee that it was his turn to play with the puppy.
wolf puppy
Lee Duquette plays with the wolf puppy
Below: Pretty wildflowers in the surrounding yard.
pretty wildflowers
pretty wildflowers
pretty wildflowers
pretty wildflowers
Below: Totem pole outside Wolf Country USA
totem pole outside Wolf Country USA

Follow-up Note: Troopers descended on the business in 2011 and performed genetic tests on the animals, determining they were wolf-dog hybrids. It is illegal to possess wolf dogs under any circumstance. They also said Schuster sold animals that later bit people or attacked dogs. A "devastated" Schuster released his more than two dozen hybrids to a California rescue group in 2011 after the state said they were going to have the animals destroyed. He pleaded guilty in 2012 to a count of owning and selling a wolf hybrid and was fined $3,000. Schuster said he bought his first wolf-dog pup for $5 on the streets of Anchorage back in 1958..

Werner Schuster, the 83-year-old owner of this wolf-themed roadside attraction along the Glenn Highway, died of natural causes in 2014.

Above quote from

go to the next pageThe two RV Gypsies drove through Wasilla, Willow, and Houston Alaska


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