The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
saw a coyote and more in Valdez, Alaska
Below: Scenery in an around the hotel, downtown Valdez
Valdez harbor
Valdez harbor
Valdez harbor
behind the hotel
Coast Gauard Boat
fishing boat
sign on docks
a black rabbit
Below: A Coyote
Below: Rabbits along the roadway going to the airport
Below: The family getting on the small airplane to leave Valdez and return to Fairbanks.
approaching the airplane
Alex and Kristen
Alex and Kristen getting on the small plane
Karen getting on the small plane
on the plane
Kristen on the plane
looking out the window
looking out the window
Below: Landing in Fairbanks
landing in Fairbanks
landing in Fairbanks
landing in Fairbanks
landing in Fairbanks
Renee and Alex in the airport
Renee and Alex in the airport
Later the same day, Renee, Kristen and Alex got on yet another airplane to return to Florida. And the two RV Gypsies continued their Alaska RV adventures in their RV. They will miss their family for several more months before they return to visit them in Florida. But this is only the family's first time in Alaska. They will and do return and all experiences will be different from these.

If you wish to see how these same places have changed as of the year 2016, go there now, but be sure to return here to continue with 2009 adventures. There will be a link at the bottom of the 2016 pages to return here.

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Sub-Menu for the two RV Gypsies
and family in Valdez, Alaska
August 10-12, 2009
You may visit these sites in any order you choose.
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Thompson's Pass and waterfalls at Keystone Canyon

Valdez Glacier

Worthington Glacier and the ice cave

Columbia and Meares Glacier excursion

Valdez Harbor, a coyote, and the airplane (this page)

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go to the next pageAFTER you have visited all 6 sites above, please continue on to Haines, Alaska - bears and more


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