Lee and Karen Duquette
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
British Columbia flag
Saw great scenery and other items of interest
in British Columbia, Canada
May 2009
Below: A bird on a big rock and the view from the motorhome while eating lunch on the road
a bird on a big rock
view at lunch time
Below: A gate across so the road that can be closed in case of emergencies: land slides, accidents, avalanches, etc.
gate closure
Below: A train trestle
Below: The road goes under the train tracks
train tracks
the road goes under the train tracks
Below: A very long train. It even had an engine in the middle - of course the entire train was could not be photographed while driving by in the RV.
a long train
a long train
a long train
a long train
Below: The curvy road the RV had to navigate
curvy road
curvy road
curvy road
curvy road
Below: The ever changing looks of the mountains; some were sandy, some had lots of trees, some were barren, some were rocky, and even the colors and tone of the mountains changed drastically as the two RV Gypsies drove along.
mountains and river
mountains and trees
mountains  and trees
Note: If the sky looks too blue, it is because photos were taken through the closed front window of the RV, and the top of the window is tinted.
trees, mountains, road
a rocky side to a mountain
mountains and river
mountains  and river
mountains  and river
mountains  and river
mountains  and river
mountains  and river
mountains  and river
land slide covering
Below: Other interesting things seen along the way.
smile face in the mountain
smile face
a log design
sign - Jackass Mountain summit
sign - visit Lytton
a small waterfall in the mountain
purple wild flowers
purple wild flowers
look below

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