Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Chetwynd, British Columbia, Canada
"The chainsaw carving sculpture capital of the world"
Below is the campground, PLUS some carvings.
May 25, 2009
The two RV Gypsies parked their RV in Caron Creek RV Park then drove into Chetwynd. They heard that bear, elk, moose and deer roam the mountain behind the RV Park, and that bear were seen roaming the mountain just last week. But the two RV Gypsies did not see any wildlife while they were at this campground. Also, only a week before, there was a fluke snowstorm here that left 4-inches of snow on the ground. The two RV Gypsies were so glad they did not get here sooner and that the snow was gone.
Caron Creek RV Park sign
RV waiting to enter campground

BELOW: The campground office and sites - no one else was here! Soon afterwards about 4 other RV's came in. This campground had clean washrooms, free showers, and a laundry room that the two RV Gypsies did not use, but they did like the full hook-up pull-through sites.

The old clothes washing machine shown below reminds Karen Duquette of when she lived in Harbor View, Connecticut and her parents actually had a washing machine with rollers like this (but it was in better condition). Karen really did get her arm caught in the rollers, but managed to survive wihout any broken bones.

Office sign and old wringer washer
an empty campground
Below: The two RV Gypsies took a short walk behind the campground to Pine River where moose, deer and bears are common. The only thing the two RV Gypsies saw was a very old bridge, some birds, ducks, and butterflies. And yes, they say this bridge is still in use, but the two RV Gypsies would NOT walk on it, let alone drive a heavy vehicle on it. It sure did NOT look safe to Lee and Karen Duquette.
an old  bridge
From Caron Creek RV Park, it was a 10 mile (16 km) drive to Chetwynd.
Chetwynd is located at highways 29 and 97 where the eastern foothills of the Rockies open up to the expansive, rugged geography of Peace River country, and is a transportation hub for the region. Chetwynd has abundant natural resources, a stunning mountain backdrop and the gentle rolling topography which inspired early European settlers to call it "Little Prairie." Assets: forestry, oil and gas exploration, mining, ranching and tourism. It claims to be the chainsaw carving sculpture capital of the world and the forestry capital of Canada in 1992 as per the sign below.
sign - Welcome to Chetwynd
sign - chainsaw carving sculpture capital of the world
Below: The bear attacked a very scared Karen Duquette. Instead of saving Karen from the bear, Lee Duquette took photographs, but did NOT try to save her from the bear. Nice Guy! LOL!
a sculptured bear attacking Karen
laughing clipart dudea sculptured bear attacking Karen
a dragon
coal wagon
bear, eagle, and baby chicks
bear, eagle, and baby chicks
BELOW: Lee Duquette sat on a sculptured bench while Karen Duquette took photos and a close-up of the side of the bench.
Lee sitting on a sculptured bench
a sculptured bench
2 eagles
Below: Several sculptures shown from two different views
bull rider
bull rider
eagle, horse, indian
eagle, horse, indian
front side of sculpture
back side of sculpture
cowboy napping
cowboy napping
Karen Duquette on an eagle bench
eagle bench
side 1 of sculpture
side 2 of sculpture
view showing both sides of sculpture
bear fishing
indian, eagle, wolf
logger man
a sculpture
seals and fish
2-fisted gunman
coal miner
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