The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers in Valdez, Alaska
July 16 - 17, 2016

sign: Welcome to Valdez

Karen Duquette and Ilse at the Valdez Welcome sign

WATERFALLS at Keystone Canyon

Near Valdez, Richardson Highway winds along the turbulent Lowe River in Keystone Canyon. The sheer canyon walls contain countless waterfalls and interesting rock formations. Note: (Richardson Highway was Alaska's first highway and began as a pack trail in the late 1800's with branches to Eagle and Fairbanks. The 364 miles of this paved highway constitute one of the state's most scenic routes. Keystone Canyon was named by Captain William Ralph Abercrombie, presumably for Pennsylvania, the Keystone state. Unfortunately, the two RV Gypsies did not learn any statistics (height) for the two waterfalls shown below.
Any help out there? e-mail us please!

Bridalveil Falls

Karen Duquette at Bridalveil Falls

Lee Duquette and John Smythers at Bridalveil Falls

Below: The top of Bridalveil Falls

The bottom of Bridalveil Falls/Lowe River

The top of Bridalveil Falls

The bottom of Bridalveil Falls

Lowe River

Lowe River

Below: Horsetail Falls

Karen, John and Ilse at Horsetail Falls (Can you find John in the photo? He is in darker color clothing.)

Horsetail Falls and Karen Duquette

Karen, John and Ilse at Horsetail Falls

Karen, John and Ilse at Horsetail Falls

Karen Duquette at Karen, John and Ilse at Horsetail Falls

John Smythers at Karen, John and Ilse at Horsetail Falls

Below: Lunch time - The men cooking hot dogs at a nearby park in Valdez, Alaska

lunch time

cooking hot dogs

Below: A motorcycle pulling a stagecoach and dolls

motorcyle pulling a stagecoach and dolls

motorcyle pulling a stagecoach and dolls

The town of Valdez covers about 274 square miles. Population about 4,100. Industry - oil, commercial fishing, seafood processing, shipping, tourism, and post-secondary education. The Alaska pipeline ends in Valdez. Valdez gets more than 300 inches of snow annually. Nearby Thompson Pass records between 600 - 900 inches annually.

Valdez is the activity center for Prince William Sound. Its growth is due to trading, salmon canning, gold and copper mining. Valdez is home to five named glaciers - Columbia, Meares, Worthington, Shoup and Valdez Glaciers. The two RV Gypsies visited 4 of these 5 glaciers and photos are on this website. This is a town well-worth visiting and spending time in. And the local Radio Shack had a good computer technician, which Karen had to use in 2009.

welcome to Valdez flag

sign about Stan Stephens Harbor Plaza

Below: Fish, a whale tail and dolphin on the fence at Stan Stephens Plaza

fish on a fence

whale tail and a dolphin on a fence

Lee Duquette steering the plaza deck

Karen Duquette's sister

colorful kayaks

colorful kayaks

fishing sign in Valdez

fishing boats in Valdez

fishing boats in Valdez

fishing boats in Valdez

fishing winners

fishing winners

Below: Lots of rabbits were everywhere in Valdez





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