The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed Laumeier Sculpture Park and Museum
in St. Louis, Missouri
May 2022

Laumeier Sculputre Park sign Laumeier Sculputre Park hours
Ricardo Cat sign Karen Duquette and the Ricardo Cat
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Stainless steel totem pole
sign about the stainless steeel totem pole
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stainless steel composition

tainless steel composition
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Below: Two Views of an unnamed sculpture

an unnamed sculpture an unnamed sculpture and a giant eyeball
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Below: The two RV Gypsies by a giant eyeball

The two RV Gypsies by a giant eyeball
veins in the giant eyeball veins in the giant eyeball
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glowing neon signs on a tree

glowing neon signs on a tree
glowing neon sign on a tree glowing neon sign on a tree

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pine timebers nail sign pine timbers
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big tire sign
Lee Duquette and the big tire
a real tire a real tire
a real big tire
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Fiberglass deer sign
Fiberglass deer
Lee Duquette and a Fiberglass deer Fiberglass deer
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red art
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sign about the cylindrical form
cylindrical form
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Falling Man sign
Fiberglass deer
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Below: Lee Duquette checked out the cement mixer tube and thought it was a drum as he made a lot of noise banging on it.

cement mixer tube cement mixer tube
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Eclipse sign

Below: The Eclipse Sculpture grew arms

bronze eclipse bronze eclipse grew arms
white shadow with a number what ???

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