The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
traveled through New Mexico
and then into Arizona in their 40-foot RV
September 15, 2022

Note: On this date, Karen Duquette took photos out the window of the moving RV as they drove through New Mexico (as shown below), but they did not stop anywhere in New Mexico, because they needed to get to Arizona by a certain date to see Lee Duquette's sister Patty.

However, they did actually stop other places in New Mexico - October 5 - 6, 2022 on their return trip. They have also been to New Mexico numerous other times in other years, and all of those can be seen by clicking the TOC-USA States button and scrolling down to New Mexico. Every page is different. If you choose either of these two links, be sure to return here to continue on to Arizona in 2022.

This website can be viewed in a linear fashion as it happened, or in any order that visitors to this very large website wish to explore. That is also way the main navigational buttons are at the bottom of each section. But for now, please continue down on this page for the roadrunner statue and more.

USA map showing location of New Mexico

welcome to New Mexico sign

New Mexico Welcomes sign

Below: Two blue water towers in New Mexico, one was unmarked, and one was in Deming, a city in Luna County NM.

blue water tower Deming NM water tower

Below: A giant roadrunner statue high up up on the hill. The first picture shows its size as it appears while driving on the road way below the mountain, and the second picture is a zoomed-in shot. The two RV Gypsies are not sure exactly where this is in New Mexico but it is NOT the one in Las Cruces because they were not in that area on this date. They were unable to find anything about this one on the internet. But they have seen the Roadrunner in Las Cruises and the road runner in Fort Stockton, TX. Both can be seen with these underlined links. Those are the World's largest and the World's Second Largest Roadrunners in the world.

roadrunner statue roadrunner statue

Below: The two RV Gypsies drove their RV through the checkpoint (which was NOT at the NM-AZ line) with no problems.


Below: Signs about dust storms.

dust storm warning signs dust storm warning signs
dust storm warning sign dust storm warning sign
dust storm warning sign mountain

Below: A Dust Devil

dust devil

Below: Karen Duquette photographed Mountains and other scenery through the closed window of their moving RV in New Mexico on the way to Arizona.

mountain scenery NM scenery
big rocks NM scenery
NM scenery NM scenery
NM scenery NM scenery

Below: One giant windmill blade on the back of a semi.

windmill blade windmill blade

Below: Wild horses sign - although none were seen near here, but the two RV Gypsies did see wild horses a bit later on the way to the Mystery Castle in Phoenix, Arizona.

wild hroses sign
look below

This is not a linear site, so there are always choices of where to go next: Below are 2 choices, plus the main navigational buttons for this very large website.

please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to Arizona in September 2022 - multi-site menu


please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies To see the NEW MEXICO stops on the RETURN 2022 trip, click here.


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