The two RV Gypsies took a side trip
from Jasper to Hinton, Alberta, Canada
and walked the Beaver Boardwalk
August 2, 2015
map showing location of Hinton
History clipart book

Hinton is a town in west-central Alberta, Canada. It is located in Yellowhead County, 50б  miles northeast of Jasper and about 176 miles west of Alberta's capital city Edmonton, at the intersection of Yellowhead and Bighorn Highway in the Athabasca River Valley. The Town of Hinton was named for William P. Hinton, Vice President and General Manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. The community was named in 1911 and remained a hamlet for the next 45 years. The population of Hinton experienced a boom during the 1930s when American entrepreneur Frank Seabolt and two partners opened the Hinton coal mine in 1931. Shortly thereafter, a recession caused the population to dwindle to fewer than 100 people, but the town began to rebound in 1955 with the construction of a pulp mill. The mill brought rapid growth to Hinton and a new village was developed and was named the Village of Drinnan in 1956. The two communities amalgamated on April 1, 1957, to form the present Town of Hinton.

sign: Welcome to Yellowhead County
sign: Alberta Visitor Information Centre for Hinton

The two RV Gypsies took a day trip in their toad from Jasper to Hinton.

Hinton motto and logo
Yellowhead corridor sign wildlife sign in the Visitor Center

Located at the west end of Maxwell Lake in the Hinton Hill District, this 1.5 km wheelchair accessible wooden boardwalk traverses wetland and forest in a series of loops.

sign: Beaver Boardwalk sign about The Beaver Boardwalk

Upon arrival here, Karen Duquette took a picture of a bit of water in a creek. When they left, there was litter in there, but she did not take a second photo showing the litter.

IMPORTANTWake up people and stop littering! Litter hurts everyone, especially wildlife!

alley of water

Below: Karen Duquette, the boardwalk and a beaver dam in the distance.

beaver dam in the distance Karen Duquette on the baordwalk

Below: The main loop of the boardwalk travels along an active beaver dam and is a great place to see wild beavers in their natural habitat. Of course the two RV Gypsies were NOT there at the right time to see any beavers.

marsh and lookout tower marsh, bridge and dirt trail
Lee Duquette on the boardwalk a small beaver dam
a small beaver dam birds in a tree
wetlands wetlands
wetlands a bigger beaver dam
wetlands warning sign about cougars

Below: This area is a local birding hot spot and a bird list has been developed by the Whiskey-Jack club. Interpretive signs provide information on site about natural features and species found in the area.

bird in the wetlands bird

Below: A Duck in the water

Below: A bird eating a dragon fly

duck bird eating a dragon fly

Below: After leaving the Beaver Boardwalk, the two RV Gypsies stopped to eat. They seldom eat fast food, but Lee Duquette really wanted an A&W Root Beer Float.

A and W fast food joint and a train

Below; While at the Visitor Center earlier, the worker there recommend that the two RV Gypsies take a short drive to an area she said was the prettiest scenery in Hinton. Along the way, Karen noticed that the light poles all had different animal designs on them.

Learning and Leisure Corridor sign bear design on a lightpole

Below: Here is the view that the lady at the Visitor Center thought was the prettiest scenery in Hinton to photograph.

scenery scenery

Alberta, Canada

Lake Minnewanka boat ride

Horseshoe Lake and cliff jumpers

Honeymoon Lake 2009 and 2015

Talbot Lake and amazing reflections

Jasper and the Icefield Parkway

Jasper Skytram

Athabasca Falls

Sunwapta Falls

wildlife in Jasper, Alberta

Hinton & the Beaver Boardwalk (this page)

Columbia Icefield and the Discovery Centre

Glacier Snowcoach Excursion

glass bottom Glacier Skywalk

look below

AFTER you have viewed all of the above sites in Alberta Canada, please continue on to British Columbia, Canada


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