The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
hiked at Walnut Canyon National Monument
3 E Walnut Canyon Road
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
October 4, 2022

Walnut Canyon National Monument is a United States National Monument located about 10 miles southeast of downtown Flagstaff, Arizona, near Interstate 40. The one mile round-trip Island Trail provides access to 25 cliff dwellings. There is a fee, but the National Park Passes are useable. There is no camping at Walnut Canyon National Monument.

Walnut Canyon National Monument sign Island trail warning sign
Island trail warning sign Karen Duquette at Walnut Canyon National Monument

Below:The two Rv Gypsies are ready to hike down, around, and up again.

elevation 6690 feet

Below: The two RV Gypsies gazed across curved canyon walls a Walnut Canyon National Monument.

across curved canyon walls

across curved canyon walls
panorama and Karen Duquette

Below: Karen Duquette looking down at the trail and what more there is for them to explore.

trail far below trail far below

Below: Karen Duquette photographed the amazing crooked column and the path down below, as Lee Duquette started down the first set of stairs. Lee usually goes down stairs backwards because he says it is easier on his knees.

the amazing crooked column and the path down below Lee Duquette on the stairs
panorama at Walnut Canyon National Monument
cliffs at Walnut Canyon National Monument cliffs at Walnut Canyon National Monument
cliffs at Walnut Canyon National Monument looking up to where we started

Below: View of the canyon and cliff homes: The photo below on the right is a close-up of part of the photo on the left.

canyon and cliff homes canyon and cliff homes

Below: The two RV Gypsies went down a few more stairs and walked under a large over-hang, where Karen Duquette paused for a photograph.

Lee Duquette on the trail Karen Duquette

Below: A closer look at the overhang in the photos above.

large overhang Lee Duquette
sign about cliff homes and Canyon lLife

Below: Cliff Homes as mentioned above and below

cliff homes atWalnut Canyon National Monument
sign about the room functions
sign about the design sign about running water

Among the remarkable geological formations of the canyon itself, the former homes of ancient inhabitants are easily evident.

former homes of ancient inhabitants former homes of ancient inhabitants
former homes of ancient inhabitants former homes of ancient inhabitantsand the path
The two RV Gypsies view in Walnut Canyon National Monument
time to head upwards nice path upwards
Karen Duquette on the rocks more cliff dwellings
Lee duquette
hole in the rock Lee Duquette
Lee Duquette enjoying the view Lee Duquette
Walnut Canyon National Monument
cliff dwellings cliff dwellings

Below: The welcome station gift shop where the trail begins and ends, plus a zoomed-in close-up photo.

the welcome station and gift shop at the top the welcome station and gift shop at the top

Below: As Lee Duquette approached yet more stairs, Karen Duquette noticed the tree and photographed a close-up of the beautiful tree bark. She loved the colors and the "stripes".

Lee Duquette, stairs and a tree close-up of the tree bark

Lee Duquette on the stairs

approaching the top

almost to the end
an Eagle flying by

Below: Lee Duquette spotted an Eagle in the sky and Karen Duquette took a bunch of photos of it as it soared back and forth above the two RV Gypsies.

an Eagle flying by an Eagle flying by
an Eagle flying by an Eagle flying by
an Eagle flying by an Eagle flying by
sign at the top
look below

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please continue on to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies The two RV Gypsies returned to their campground in Winslow, and the next day they drove through Flagstaff and into Sedona to have fun at Slide Rock State Park.


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