The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
on a horse-drawn covered-wagon ride into the backcountry of Alaska
July 4, 2009

The two RV Gypsies took a horse drawn covered wagon ride along the north side of the Denali National Park boundary. Guides taught the history of this coal mining area as the horses guided the wagon through the wilderness.

Lee says hello to the horses
the driver is ready to go
close up of the lead horse, Major
the horses
the horses and driver
the horses
the horses
Below: After the short ride and disembarking from the covered wagon, the two RV Gypsies washed their hands before the meal - outside of course, in a very strange hand-washing machine.
outdoor washing station
Below: Dinner in the cabin consisted of all-you-can-eat ribs, chicken, salmon, potato salad, cole slaw, and bread plus wine, ice tea, soda and coffee. Plus excellent entertainment.
the dinner cabin
the singer
Below: After dinner there was time to look around the area and pet the horses.
Karen and an old dog sled
Karen and a "Whoa" sign
Karen and a "Whoa" sign
Karen and Major
Karen and Major
Lee and Major
Lee, the driver, wagon, and horses
the two RV Gypsies, the driver, wagon, and horses
the two RV Gypsies, the driver, wagon, and horses

Menu for the two RV Gypsies Adventures in Denali, Alaska
July 2 - 6, 2009

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Travel, Mt. McKinley and an igloo

Denali National Park

Wildlife in Denali National Park

Entering Denali, the campground, Jeff King's Husky Homestead, and more

panning for gold at Kantishna

sled dogs in training

A dirty ATV backcountry tour

backcountry Jeep Safari

horse-drawn covered-wagon ride (this page)

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